Thursday, March 26, 2009

Brain Injury~ Get Involved!

Brain Star
Support * Treatment * Awareness * Research
This past weekend, Curtis and I participated in a Bowl-A-Thon hosted by the Brain Injury Association of Arizona, in conjunction with a fundraising organization called Brain Star.
Brain Star was started just a few months ago, by several very motivated and passionate TBI family members.
The Bowl-A-Thon was the first fundraising event, and it was a smashing success. We were able to raise $10,000!
I am so grateful to be able to associate with so many wonderful people in the brain injury community. It’s wonderful to see so many people rallying together to support such a wonderful cause.
I am also grateful for those dedicated family members and TBI survivors who have worked tirelessly to take a great idea and make it a reality. Otherwise, we would still just be sitting around talking about how nice it would be to start a fundraising group!

In March 2010, the group plans to host a Golf Tournament.

5.3 Million Americans –a little more than 2% of the population- currently live with disabilities resulting from brain injury.

If you are interested in donating much needed funds, please contact your local BIA, or contact me for further information about Brain Star.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Are You Who I Think You Are?

I went grocery shopping last weekend. Oh, the excitement! As I was leaving the first store (yes, there was more than one store involved) I thought I saw someone I knew. I was starting to move towards her, ready to make eye contact and offer a friendly “how are you?” When she turned and I realized she wasn’t who I thought she was at all! Yet, the resemblance was uncanny…which got me pondering about this phenomenon of seeing-people-who-resemble-people I know. I do this a lot! When we first moved to Arizona, I kept seeing people who strongly resembled friends from Utah…then a few months later as we were visiting Utah, I thought I saw people from AZ…I would start to say, “Oh, there are the Awerkamps”, then I would realize WRONG STATE! Is this strange? Do other people do this? Why are there so many people that look alike?
On a different note, I also saw a lot of strange people. I was beginning to think it was “Meth Addict” shopping day. I wonder if all the stores were sold out of Triaminic?

So, while I am in a quandary over all these strange sights…who do I see walking out of Wal-Mart? Marg Helgenberger! I swear it was her, just a little blonder and a little um...trashier? Let’s say if it was her, she was definitely “slumming”, shopping at the local Wal-Mart and all. We both ended up returning our carts to the little cart return thingy at the same time…she smiled and said to me, “Oh, we are such good girls, aren’t we?” I laughed, but the whole time the dialogue in my head was something like this: “Is that her? What if it really is her? Should I say something? Should I ask her if she knows she strongly resembles Marg Hergenbelger, uh…Hershenburger….uh Hersheybar… that lady from CSI…whatever?”
Thank goodness I didn’t say anything, just laughed and smiled politely. I like to play it cool! :)

A few weeks ago, at the same Wal-Mart, I am pretty sure I saw Mike Tyson…

Pretty. Sure.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Brain Injury: Get the Facts

March is National Brain Injury Awareness Month

This year, the focus is on awareness and prevention of sport related concussions, specifically relating to youth sports.

Learn more about Sports & Concussion at the Brain Injury Association website

A few facts about Brain Injury:
(These statistics are national averages, and vary by state)

1.4 million people sustain a brain injury every year in the United States
Nationwide, a brain injury occurs every 23 seconds (every 14 seconds in Arizona)

Leading causes of brain injury include:

*Falls (28%)
*Motor Vehicle Accidents (20%)
*Struck by/against events (19%)
*Assaults (11%)
*Blasts are a leading cause of injury for active duty military personnel in war zones

Brain injury is a silent, serious epidemic, affecting some 5.3 million Americans

Each state has a Brain Injury Association office

Find your state affiliate office here: BIA State Offices

And for more facts and statistics, visit the
read more About Brain Injury here.