Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

"It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives. But we sometimes take them for granted. How grateful we should be for the blessings that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings into our hearts and souls. I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do it with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath" (David B. Haight, "Were There Not Ten Cleansed?," Ensign, Nov 2002, 24).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Full Circle

Recently, Curtis and I had the opportunity to go back to the hospital where he was taken after his car accident 3 years ago.

It was our first time back. I was excited...and nervous. I wasn't sure how it would be for me, and I didn't want to be crying the whole time!
It was emotional, but in a good way. It was so wonderful for me to see some of the wonderful people that took care of us those first 2 months. I think it was good for them too~ so often, they never get to see former patients, and the outcome of all their hardwork.

I was so nervous & didn't want to impose on everyone, so I only got one picture this time! Next time I'll make sure I get more.
This is Curtis and me with one of our favorite MICU nurses, Barb. Let me tell you, this woman is awesome and I love her to death! She was so good to us. She and I have kept in touch and I send her photos and updates about Curtis on a regular basis.
Curtis does not remember anything from his hospital stay. It was a little weird for him to have all these people that knew him, but he didn't know any of them! But boy, they were all so happy to see him.
This is kind of a silly picture. When we visited the MICU, Barb was with a patient so we had to wait a bit to see her. But, several people recognized Curtis (even though they didn't all know him) because Barb posts the pictures and updates I send on the bulletin board for everyone to read. It was funny to have people say, "I know you, your Curtis & you had a pebble in your lung." While he was in MICU, he had a pebble that he had aspirated into his lungs and it had to be sucked out. This is picture of that pebble. I guess having an object in your lung is not all that common of an occurence. I try not to think too much about how it got there. (I know how it got there, just don't like to think about it!) I also learned, that he was one of the first patients that they had used the procedure of storing the pieces of his skull in an incision in his abdomen on. So, he's a bit of a celebrity, ha ha!
Here's a picture of some of the strange memorablia I kept from his hospital stay: (Ignore the bottle of lotion, it doesn't belong in the picture).
Weird, the things you hang on to! Some stuff just ended up coming home with us, but some of it was specifically for "memorablia". :) The Vena Cava filter was in his artery, to prevent blod clots. It's a weird looking little device, not at all what I pictured. And the notes I took are scribbled on the back of an envelope, because it was the only thing I could think to grab to take notes on. And even though I said to ignore the bottle of did remind me of a funny story. When Curtis was in the rehab unit, for some reason he liked his feet rubbed. Anytime someone would walk in the room, he would stick his feet out. Everyone would rub his feet for him~family, nurses...everyone thought it was funny. We went through about 3 big bottles of lotion on his feet!

I also took Curtis on a tour of the hospital, and shared some memories and funny stories with him. It was just a wonderful day for me! There are still several people we would like to see, and that Curtis would like to meet so he can remember them. We'll go back again in a few months and I will for sure take pictures next time.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Odds and Ends, November Edition

First; I have added a "Followers" gadget in the sidebar to the right, for those who prefer this option.

Second; I did make Spook Popcorn for Halloween. Here's the proof! It was soooo, good! And really easy. The most difficult part was taking out all the un-popped kernels of popcorn. I cheated a little and used microwave popcorn, butter flavor. It takes about 2 1/2 bags. I also used cashews. Oh my, was it ever decadent and yummy. I want to make some more right now.
It also stays pretty soft and gooey, so no need to spread it out to cool. It made my huge Tupperware bowl full, so it makes a nice batch.

Third; After reading Cherie's post "This Month-Be Grateful",
I made this cute Gratitude Jar for Family Home Evening.

It turned out so cute, I decided they would be perfect for Visiting Teaching and Home Teaching gifts, so I made up a few more! I had to buy bottles, can you believe that? All my canning jars have mysteriously disappeared!

Here's a picture of the back of the jars. I think it's so cute, all laced up! I did it a couple of different ways, I like the laced up look the best. I also made personalized labels for the jar lid, with each family's name.

You can find the printable graphics kit here at Daisie Company.
There are also more pictures, showing everything that is included in this cute craft kit.


I finally dug out my small, slightly pathetic, collection of Thanksgiving decorations. I read a post recently (which I can't find to link back to!), and she shared her favorite Thanksgiving decor, which was mostly Indians. So, when I opened my boxes, I was looking for a theme...what do I like?

Here's a few pictures...can you pick up a theme here?

This is one of my favorites:
(Sorry for the glare on this one. The front of the block says "Be Thankful")

Almost all of these were made in Relief Society! Most are pretty old! :)

I wanted to get some new things this year, but haven't been able to find much. You know, the whole "Halloween-to-Christmas" phenomenon! HELLO! You skipped Thanksgiving!
I did get invited to a neighborhood craft boutique. I took only the cash I was willing to spend, and was determined to buy only fall/Thanksgiving items. No tempting me with cute snowmen, pine cones & holly berries, or Santas! (I looked, but I didn't buy!)
I did find this cute, quilted table runner, which I love.

But this...this was the first thing that caught my eye! Isn't he the cutest little feller? Yep, I must really have a thing for turkeys! I haven't decided where he'll go yet. (He's appliqued on a dish towel). I have already instructed everyone that this is for decoration only and is not to be used! We'll see how far that gets me.

What's coming up:
Favorite Things
A Yummy Holiday recipe
A Giveaway (yes, that's right!)
And stay tuned.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Connie at I Started Out As A Child, was kind enough to pass this award along to me. Supposedly, it is for blogs that are "Encouraging, Inspiring, or Brilliant". I'm pretty sure it was the Jell-O post that caught her attention! :)
Kidding aside, Thanks, Connie, I think you are Awesome (as well as Encouraging, Inspiring & Brilliant!)
I'm supposed to share 10 Honest things about myself...
So, without further are 10 wonderful, captivating, essential things you never knew you never knew...about me!

*1. I am not a “morning person”…Not. A. Morning. Person. Don’t get me wrong, I love morning, I just wish it came a lot little later in the day. It is not unusual for me to go back to bed after I get the kids off to school. A bad habit I am kinda trying to break. I also really like naps! I guess I just like to sleep!!!

*2. I love glazed doughnuts! Love them! I was having a little obsession with cupcakes (love those too), but once I bit into that lovely, gooey, sugary doughnut…oh baby! My absolute favorites are from Maceys Grocery store. I haven't had these for 4 years...I was so happy when I finally bit into one! Pretty sure there will be glazed doughnuts (from Maceys) in Heaven.

*3. I can’t swim. I can do a pathetic doggy paddle or a frog kick…but that’s it! I also hate water on my face (even in the shower!)

*4. I don’t really like to wear shoes. Not sure why. I prefer barefoot, or sandals or flipflops. I really don't like "tie" shoes, I prefer ones I can slip on and off easily.

*5. I am a bit of a germ-o-phobe. My middle name should be “use sanitizer!” The whole swine flu thing has been a little stressful for me! Enough so that I am just ready to find a nice family that is sick & go give them all a great big hug! Or get the shot…whichever comes first. I can get a little uptight when my kids are sick! I'm fine when they are little and need to be held and loved on...but when they are older, yeah~ they better not be breathing and coughing on me!!! :) My family loves to make fun of me about this...but when they get sick, suddenly the handwashing and sanitizing doesn't seem so silly!

*6. Speaking of which, when I was in 3rd grade, I kissed my friend’s little brother so I could get the chicken pox. Pretty sure I didn’t have a germ phobia then!

*7. I love magazines. I could buy a magazine every time I go to the store! I don’t read the “tabloid” type (except for People, once in a while). I do like cooking, crafting or decorating magazines. I have read Good Housekeeping since I was a teenager! Reader’s Digest, Prevention…I pretty much read them all…I have put a moratorium on cooking magazines, for the time being…I have way too many of those!

*8. When I was in Middle School (7th Grade) I won a Halloween Writing Contest. Everyone who wanted to, wrote a story and submitted it to our English teacher, Mr. Houghton. He read the stories in class and we all voted for our favorite. My story was the favorite! I think I won $20.00. I have no clue what happened to the story. I wish I knew what I had done with it! It would probably be hilarious to read. I still can remember a little bit about it. I remember working on it a lot! I wrote it in one of those old, brown school notebooks (the ones that came in all different sizes…anyone remember those?). The title of my story was “The House on the Hill”.

*9. I am a bit of a pessimist. Yes, I am a “glass half empty” kinda gal. My sil says I’m a “realist”. That’s a much better sounding term!

*10. I’ve already confessed my inability to make Jell-O…but in addition to that (as if that weren’t bad enough) I can’t make gravy. Yes, that’s right. I Cannot Make Gravy. Thankfully, Rick can…so we are good!

Now, I am supposed to pass this award on to 7 other awesome bloggers...and so far, all of the blogs I've read have recently been awarded too (this award is getting around!). So, as others have done, I'll just encourage you to take a look at some of the blogs I love (over on the right side) and maybe you'll find someone new!

P.S. Can anyone clue me in as to how the spacing works on blogger? It's driving me nuts! I always have problems when I am trying to leave a space between paragraphs/sections...Then I have to go through endless edits trying to get it right! GRRRR!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Life, According to Shane

Shane went with me to the store a few days ago. This was our "hilarious" conversation:

Shane: "Mom, who will teach me how to drive when I get my learner's permit"
(His older brother just got his permit).
"Because you will probably be dead by then."

Me: Blank stare, awkward silence. (Yeah, how do you respond to that?)
Stammering..."I'm only 43, so that will make me what? 51?"

Shane: "Exactly!"

I didn't hear the rest of the conversation, because my hearing aide fell out...and when I bent to pick it up the front legs of my walker slipped off the curb and I fell and broke a hip! And he thinks I'm old? At least no one asked if I was his Grandmother!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

When We Meet Again

Rewind! Mid-July, 2005…

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon...just a few days earlier, Rick had received an offer for a promotion at work, which involved a transfer to Arizona. We had accepted. Now, I found myself sitting in Relief Society next to Connie. It would be (unbeknownst to any of us) my last time attending church in that ward. Ever. I was serving in the RS at the time. The YW were conducting Opening Exercises, which was good for me because no way was I gonna be able to sit up in front of that room full of women and not bawl my eyes out! The word that we were moving had not gotten around quite yet…Opening Exercises went well, until the girls practiced a song they would be singing at upcoming Girl’s Camp. My daughter was a soloist. Despite the personal turmoil that she was going through, she sang beautifully. But, the words to the song pierced my heart and the tears flowed.

When We Meet Again
Jenny Phillips/Tyler Castleton

My feet are tired and worn
My spirit fades
Many fall by the way
Keep my feet this day

Walk one more mile or so
Stay close to me
My faith will be my fate
My destiny

I will rise and prove my faith
May my heart be one with Yours
So You will one day
Call me friend
When we meet again

Though trials may mark my path
And storms prevail
I know Your guiding love
Will never fail

If I endure it well
If I remain
True to the promises
And faithful to His name

Afterward, the Relief Society Presidency gathered for a few pictures.
Here we are!

Connie, Darla, Valerie, Emma

Fast Forward! October, 2009...

I once again find myself living in Utah…an unexpected, but welcome change of events! (Another transfer for Rick, back to the SLC office).

A lot has happened to all of us over the past 4 years. Some joys, some sorrows…Life is like that. I feel so blessed and fortunate to have good friends who have loved, supported, encouraged, laughed and cried with me. And I hope that in some measure, I have returned in kind to them…

There was an email, then a phone call, an invitation to join. Thanks to thoughtful, wonderful friends who gave me a little nudge!

Here we are!

Emma, Connie, Valerie, Darla, Lynette

We met for breakfast on Halloween. We dressed up in costume (in case it wasn't obvious...and please ignore my hair! Despite what my stylist says, side-swept bangs do not work for me!)

It was fun and wonderful and all good things rolled in to one! And it felt like I’d never been gone! And how wonderful it feels to be back home!

I will rise and prove my faith
May my heart be one with Yours
So You will one day
Call me friend
When we meet again

Love you guys!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

What a Difference 50 Years Makes!

Rick's parents celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in October.

We had a wonderful family celebration to honor them.
Almost all of the family were able to attend. We have family in California, Montana & Utah, so it was great that we could all get together.

Then: October 14, 1959

And today:
They are the parents of 7 children, 5 boys and 2 girls.
They have 5 daughters-in-law and 1 son-in-law.
They have 26 living grandchildren, 1 deceased grandson, 1 grandson-in-law and
1 great grandchild.

All Because Two People Fell in Love!

Happy 50th Anniversary!