Sunday, January 18, 2015

Word of the Year 2015

Blogging was a dismal failure last year.
So was my word of the year.
I am trying again!

BE: This is the word that seems to fit this year! I like it!

"Try a little harder to BE a little better"
~Gordon B. Hinckley


  1. Great word! I always love reading about everyone's word of the year even though I don't ever choose one for me. :)

  2. I like it!
    Good to see you blogging again, I've missed you :)

    I'm not a good blogger... I am a bum blogger...*haha**.
    I have good intentions, but then, life shows up and ruins my blogging plans.

    Have a great day.


  3. Things get busy and crazy so blogging has to take a back seat. That's ok.
    Love your word.
